1. Overview
fiber_manual_recordGet Server Login Credentails
fiber_manual_recordRenew Package
fiber_manual_recordMonitor Server Status
fiber_manual_recordScale Server Resources
fiber_manual_recordCancel Packages
fiber_manual_recordRestore Cancelled Packages
3. Log
2. Invoices
4. Credits
1. Get Server Login Credentials
Find the product you want to manage on the overview or product page. Then click the product module or management button to enter the management interface.
After entering the management interface, you are taken to the Overview page by default. On this page, you can see the basic information of the product: including IP, operating system, login information, and package information. With the information, you can connect to your server. Please refer to the guide on how to connect to a Linux server remotely and how to connect to a Windows server remotely.
2. Renew Package
Move down to the Overview section, click the renewal button at the bottom to extend the due date of the product. Before renewing, if you want to change the product name, billing cycle, or payment method, you can click the edit icon in the end to modify it.
3. Monitor Server Status Real-Time (For VPS)
The Real-time Status section displays the status and resource usage of your server, including CPU, RAM, disk space, and server status. If you find that the utilization rate of one or more resources has continuously exceeded 80%, you may need to consider upgrading the package or expanding the resource configuration. You can go to the Scaling section below to upgrade or expand resources.
4. Scale Resources (For VPS)
This section allows you to upgrade your plan or expand your resources by adding addons at any time. When upgrading to a new plan, CPU, RAM, and disk space will be upgraded althogether. While adding addons only upgrades a certain resource. It is recommended to expand resources according to actual conditions. Scaling resources section is only for VPS products. If you would like to upgrade your dedicated server, you can choose to add addons or purchase a higher-level plan.
5. Stop Using a Product
At the Stop Using secion, you can request to cancel the current product. To send the requrest, please click the Request Cancellation button. Then input the product name and choose Whether you'd like to cancel your product immediately or at the end of the billing cycle. After that, you are encouraged to share the reason why you prefer cancel the product. Finally, click Submit. The system will then delete your product as requested.
However, if you would like to continue using the product before the deletion, you can still delete the cancellation request. To accomplish this, please click the Delete Cancellation request and submit the confirmation.
6. Restore Cancelled Package (For VPS)
For products that have backups, their backups are stored on the platform for some time after cancellation. This is so that you can restore your package in case you need. If you need to restore a cancelled package, please restore your package before the backup deletion. Here is how you can restore a cancelled package.
1. Server Control
1.1 For VPS
On the server management interface, server control feature is provided, including resetting, turnning off, shutting down, pausing, and rebooting the server.
-Reset: This action will immediately turn off and restart your server without saving data.
-Turn off: This action will immediately stop your server and terminate all processes without saving data.
-Shut Down: This action will power off your server completely after saving changes and closing processes.
-Pause: This action will temporarily freeze all processes of your server and save its state to disk. You can continue to use your server by resuming it.
-Reboot: This action will gracefully shut down and restart your VPS, allowing it to save data and terminate processes properly.
-Power on: This action will turn on your VPS, typically by pressing the power button. After your VPS is shut down or turned off, you can start it by clicking this button.
-Resume: This action will continue to run your VPS from where it was paused, without losing data or configuration.
1.2 For Dedicated Servers
On the server management interface, server control feature is provided, including rebooting and shutting down the server.
-Reboot: This action will power off your bare metal server completely after saving changes and closing processes.
-Shut Down: This action will trun off your bare metal server, typically by pressing the power button.
-Power on: This action will turn on your bare metal server, typically by pressing the power button. After your dedicated server is shut down, you can start it by clicking this button.
2. IP Management
In the IP management, you can find relevant IP information: including IP address, subnet mask, gateway.
3. Reinstall the Operating System (For VPS)
In some cases, such as system crashes, startup problems, virus infections, or unresolved software conflicts, or if you plan to use your computer for a different purpose, reinstalling your system may be the best way to resolve these problems. Reinstalling the operating system will delete all data on the server. Please make sure you have backups before this action. Please note that this feature is only available for VPS at the moment. If you would like to reinstall the operating system for your dedicated servers, please get in touch with the support team.
Click Reinstall and Confirm.
Then, you are prompted to choose the operating system for your server. Select a preferable one and input the password for connecting to your server. Next, Click Confirm the start the reinstallation.
1. Query Operation Logs
On the "EVENTS" page, you will find your operation history clearly recorded. You can search for logs by keywords. Enter a keyword in the blank space, then click the search icon, and all operations containing the keyword will be found.
1.Update Your Billing Information
To make payments or enjoy advance features of the product, you will need to activate your paid account by completing the billing information. With the information, the system will be able to generate invoices for you.
1.Find invoices
On the invoice list, you can click on All, Unpaid, Paid, Cancelled, and Charged Back tabs at the top of the list to find the relevant invoices respectively. Click a page on the buttom to view the invoices on a certain page. Click on any invoice to view invoice details.
2.Pay for Invoices
Switch to the Unpaid tab to view all unpaid invoices. Click one that you need to make payment for and you will see the invoice details.
If you have credit balance, you can check the box at the bottom to apply the credits to the invoice. If your credits are not enough to cover the full amount of this invoice, you will only need to pay for the remaining balance with a payment method you prefer. Then, choose a payment method and input credit card or PayPal account information to make payment.
1.Enable Auto-Charge
Auto charge is a feature of recurring invoices where you authorize Database Mart to deduct money from your credit card or debit accounts whenever a recurring invoice in generated. It helps you manage recurring payments, so your business runs smoothly. You can choose to add a credit card or set up a PayPal subscription to enable auto charge.
Please note: You can only set up the subscription before payments complete. And it only applies for recurring payments. Once the product item or price change, the existing subscription will be canceled. You can set up a new one on your next unpaid invoice.
To set up a PayPal subscription for a recurring payment, please following the steps below:
1. Choose an unpaid invoice
2. Choose PayPal tab > PayPal Subscription > the PayPal button.
Now you will be taken to Paypal website to complete your payment. Log in to your PayPal account with credentials. Click "Agree and subscribe."
You can now go to the Payment Methods tab to view the PayPal subscription. If you would like to cancel the subscription, simply click the CANCEL button.
1.Credits and Usage History
A credit is a sum of money that can be used to pay for your invoices, which is added to your account. On the Credits page, you can view your total available credits and usage history.
1.Submit a Ticket
Navigate to the Tickets, and click the Submit Ticket as the screenshot shows. Then, provide as detailed message as possible in the ticket and include attachment if any. Finally, click Send to submit the ticket.
1.Account Information
Click the username in the upper right corner, then Account Information. You can modify information, including mobile phone, name, company and address. After completing the modification, click Update to save the changes.
2.Reset Password
Click the username in the upper right corner, then Change Password. Input your old password and new password, then, click Update to apply the changes.
If, unfortunately, you forget your old password, you can only reset it by clicking Forgot Password on the login interface.